Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Article analysis : The drumbeaters of dystopia.

Day 2,
Date: 11 sept,2019
I am going to analysis this article which was written by Krishna Kant Prashad is the former chief editor of 'Outlook magazine.
" Journalism is what maintains the democracy it controls the mind of peoples."

In the northern part of India, Kashmir which is famous for art and culture but due to conflict between India, Pakistan and china .this landlock region is suffering from politics and diplomacy.
let's understand why Kashmir is important for India or Pakistan? why this landlock, a Himalayan state in world news?
Kashmir situated in the sensitive geopolitical region where it's connected with Afghanistan, China and Pakistan.
in ancient time, Kashmir was a major place of silk trade route which connects Europe to the Indian subcontinent.
In 1947, Kashmir had a king who belonged to the Hindu religion but mostly population belong to Muslim majority.kashmir's king decided to join India and became an integral part of India.
they joined India in some condition which was the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. India mentions special status for Jammu and Kashmir in article 370 on the constitution but it was a temporary provision.
Now, BJP govt (right-wing govt) abrogation of article 370 and Kashmir and Ladakh became two new union territory. it was core agenda in BJP manifesto.
In this article writer criticised broadcast media who become government monopoly and mouthpiece. he said that Indian nation media plunging into the patriotic duty of drumming up blind support for government. it defines our media in the epoch of hypernationalism.

"Journalism is necessary to the functioning of democracy.we are supposed to always in check and balance"